Monday, March 28, 2011

Jollibee Float Review

*i feel like floating on air

yeah! everyone knows "Jollibee Cokefloat" was copied from "McFloat" (which everyone loves, including me!)


1. Same price, both P25, affordable by a regular student (jobless student) like me

2. Not the same content, I think McFloat has more ice cream & chocolate on it

3. But, McFloat has more ice

4. Not the same taste, i don't like the taste of the 'vanilla' (if it's really vanilla)

or Maybe...

I'm just used to McFloat's taste. Well, I still like McFloat better and FYI...

McFloat is also called CokeFloat inside McDonald's

Grab a float & decide which tastes better because;

"The taste is in the tounge of the beholder"

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