Monday, March 28, 2011

Don't hate Rebecca Black

This is so weird, I viewed this video at the same minute & the views instantly climbed up to 60 million from 59 million

34 comments per minute & most of it are NEGATIVE

Some Youtube users even agreed to make a MILLION NEGATIVE comments about Rebecca Black

1 million people hit the DISLIKE button

Her first ever interview on Good Morning America, she talked about her song, the video, haters & Justin Bieber (She's a Belieber and she wants to do a duet with Justin)

But I don't get those people who were saying that
"It's the worst song/video everrrr!"

I mean what's wrong about it? What's VIRAL about it?

Rebecca Black has a voice. I don't know why they hate her, for some reasons I think they're just insecure to her. Well people "There's no remedy for insecurity"

It's not her fault that she can sing & she's beautiful. She's just an ordinary girl with a talent exposed to the world now.

"We don't hate you because you're famous,you're famous because we hate you"
-Anonymous Rebecca Black hater

Try singing like her, if you don't have the voice well try appreciating her talent,what she got. You can't sing,do you? That's why you're saying those nasty things?

Consider her feelings as a person & consider what her family can feel if ever they read those comments full of hatred and INSECURITY, please! bring love to one another.

it's March 29 today & she's back on the trending topic (Because of the negative feedbacks)

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