Friday, July 17, 2009

Those times,those days with DAVE DAYS!

A must watch,must subscribe video on youtube,because it's not nonsense and not overacting and will be appreciated by most watchers.When I went to his official website I found that he has tons of songs in his album(s) and he also sells dave days shirts online!

And this day,im busy searching his name on google! It's cool how people remember his green shirt and white polo with a cap---that he always wear whenever he's making a his own music video or parody usually dedicated to Miley Cyrus---that's why some people mistakenly consider Dave as Miley's boyfriend,is he obsessed?

His assistant aka friend Chris has decided to make his own career?---im not sure but as far as i know still with Dave---maybe tired of being just on the side,maybe wants to be famous too,well good luck for that if ever Dave will support him it will be easier :)

One of my favorite Dave Days video is the seven things parody,especially the hannah cardboard---wonder where he bought that---i think i saw one on a department store(SM) while im buying a hannah shirt :)

I wonder what will Miley do if ever she's watching Dave Day's videos?

PS:cute voice :]

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