Monday, March 21, 2011


just got the pic from Google

Well temperamental is another term for being moody, I think it's a psych term.

Being temperamental isn't easy because first you're getting insane instantly, small mistakes irritates you & there are times that you want to blame anyone or hurt yourself. That ain't good.

But, I'm trying my best not be a temperamental type of person, cause I don't want to hate anything for some mistakes or mishap that happened

I get irritated & uncomfortable whenever I dont get what I want

I hope I can change my attitude. This can't be good

Talking to yourself, to God, focusing yourself to other things that matter & thinking positively can help

You can also try stopping what you're doing that irritates you, or;

you can also take a nap or sleep

Listen to happy songs

I hope I get thru this & also you if you're one temperamental person

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