Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dear Tumblr, Im out for sometime

blogger may be outdated with some features which tumblr have (reblogging, liking posts, notes) but I still prefer to use blogger for now,even though millions are on tumblr now. for god's sake everytime i'm using it to blog about something, it lags,it really sucks,I swear.

plus the tumblr layouts sucks, they're not free. blogger's layout is more customizable than tumblr. blogger has basic HTML features which is also helpful to me.

i have so much to say about both blogs, i wish blogger soon upgrade their site,but i still love blogger. and i just realized i'm 3 years here! yeay,i have 16K views, imagine people will read my blog, though my posts were most of the time are nonsense and lame. plus, i don't have a perfect english grammar, but i'm trying.

try blogging now!

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