Thursday, May 28, 2009

Disney Co-polls

One of the most talked about couples now (should I call them couples,crap! I can't think of another term) is Miley Cyrus together with her current boyfriend Justin Gaston but fortunately Justin is not a Disney star.haha!Should I be happy that of my fave stars is having a relationship with a grown up man? Oh well,I don't hold Miley's life.(there's Miley with Justin)
Disney series will not be complete without loveteams, because let's just say that the show's becoming more exciting in a way people will wait not only to the next episode,story,character,plots but also the development of two person (which we call loveteam here!) until they realized that they're inlove with each other and finally KISS! (don't deny it,i know you're waiting for it)PS:no mature kiss here,just smooch.(just like bestfriends Sam and Freddy,wee!)

Reminds of the episode in Season 3 of Hannah Montana "What I don't like about you",I mean I'd never thought that...that...that...Lilly and Oliver would kiss,cause in the first and second season, they really hate each other and they don't find themselves as a couple o as one, not even the word next to "more than bestfriends".As a matter of fact Lilly has Lucas and Matt while Oliver has Joni (which both Lilly and Miley hate). You know when I first saw it,I was super surprised, but sadly the whole scene was I think cut and edited or removed,Oh c'mon! for the sake of us (or me?) haha!
(they even called each other "lillypop" and "olipop" how sweet?)
See if you can watch the video where they kissed by clicking the image above,goodluck!

They kissed on screen but not in real life,but some of the Disney stars were inlove on and off cam for example Nelena(Nick and Selena) and Zanessa(Zac and Vanessa).By the way after reading this post vote on the poll here in my page!

Poll:which is your fave Disney loveteam?
A.Zanessa(Zac and Vanessa)B.Joe and Demi (known loveteam on Camp Rock)
(bkit gnun nung inupload ko toh When You look me in the eyes ang song)
C.Jiley(Jake and Miley)(Cody is way more cute than Justin)

D.Loliver(Lilly and Oliver)

E.Niley(Nic and Miley)

F.Nelena(Nic and Selena)

Well just vote on the chosen loveteams.Miley has a record,he has the most numbers of boys.hmmm...


Sunday, May 24, 2009

JoBros star of the month this may

It's been weeks since I last watch Disney channel and I was kinda shocked about them,one question is it our television or the disney server change their features?It's like you are watching an old movie and some of their airing schedule was also changed.hmmmm...
(what's up with the hairs?haha!)
So the first thing that I knew is the new Disney Channel series,entitled "JONAS" yeah and it's pretty obvious that the Jonas Brothers will be starring on the show(plus their brother Frankie-the super bowler of their family!) not just that,after Selena Gomez ,Jonas Brothers were voted as the "Star of the Month" for the month of May,and so Disney tell some things about the three rocking teens!
(there goes Frankie with Nic! go bro!)

About their horoscope and their codenames (on a pillow!) danger and what's the other one?k2 oh I dont remember the other one(sorry Nic!) but their show is going out well! On the premier there are over 14 million audiences who waited for it,some even says that they act better than Miley Cyrus,how's that?BTW,the show Jonas is about (of course the Jonas brothers!)'s about "Lucas Brothers" a popular band but inspite of that their trying to live as normal teens(hey I know this,just like Hannah) it also starred their real life brother Frankie Jonas(Frankie Lucas),Chelsea Staub(as Stella-their friend),Nicole Anderson (as Macy Misa-their no.1 fan),John Ducey (as Tom Lucas-their Dad) Rebecca Cresskoff (as Sandy Lucas-their mom) and Robert Feggans also known as "the Big Rob" (as "the Big Man"-their personal bodyguard).

(the JONAS season one cast!)
Do you know where they got the name Jonas?(not from the band's name) it's on the street they live(how creative!) the show was produced by Mantis Productions in cooperation with Disney Channel and It's another Laugh Production (that as we all know produced many sitcoms-almost a laugh track collection! hahaha!)
(behind the scenes on the pilot episode,better to follow him boys!)
I also want to congratulate the three of them for the new show,and I heard Camp Rock will have it's part 2! woohoo! and not just that they'll gonna release their latest album "Lines,Vines and Trying Times",the three will also be starring in the movie "Night at the Museum 2"(as the Cherubs!).Kampai for you guys,keep on rocking people's lives.hope to see you soon here in the Philippines(how I wish!)
Watch their newest music video entitled "Paranoid" that was also included in their album.Wonder to whom they dedicate the song?haha!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Coming soon is coming soon

(that was Shomba on tha back- dont wanna post the real one!)
You're probably wondering about the title,me too! when i first heard about it(they're fools no movie or let's just say that no movie creator,writer,producer or director would make a title like that,I mean people will be confused)and I was like laughing(devil smile! buahaha!) and I said to myself "okay there;s no movie like that!"But it's true, actually I just watched the movie today,it's kind of horrifying but not that horrifying cause I didnt found the criteria I'm looking for haha!

(Chen with his ex-girlfriend Som,yip!)
"Coming soon" is a Thai movie that was directed by Sophon Sakdapisit (also the scipt writer of Shutter and Alone) that was about a movie projectionist named Chen(played by Chantavit Dhanasevi) that records movies illegally together with his pal and boss Peoll.But when Peoll suddenly disappeared Chen experiences Shomba up close,while Som his ex-girlfriend (played by Vorakarn Rojjanavatchra) decided to take care of Chen when he was attacked by Shomba.
(this is the scene when Chen was experiencing a deja vu!-3 times)

Now Chen explained all the strange things that was happening to him,he also told Som that Peoll(also Som's brother) already died but Som did not believe and instead she got mad.

(the real Shomba!)
While Som was on Chen's house she researched about Shomba then found out that the movie Chen was talking about(entitled "Evil Spirit") was based on a true story and it's about Shomba,an old and limp woman who abducts and tortures village children by gouging their eyes (as in dinudukot) then was hanged by the villagers(esp. the children's parents) it also tells that the body of the actress who played Shomba was lost.Chen and Som started investigating then found out that the real Shomba was alived and the dead one is the actress who played it.

The two went to Shomba's former house were the filming was shoot and discovered that the crew including the Director made a mistake in the scene where in Shomba was hanged,because the safety rope was removed then the actress died,they conducted 25 takes in that scene,poor actress she died by mistake.
(sorry but Chen was captured)
Unfortunately Chen was captured by Shomba and he also become part of the movie(his eyes were gouged then Som shouted while crying...uhhhh)
Additional pictures uploaded for the sake of the readers,para di kayo masyado matakot-kung manunuod kayo!)

(the Shomba actresses on the movie premier!)
here's the trailer...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Anthologies by Bitoy!

Beethoven del valle Bunagan or more known as Michael V. is not just an ordinary comedian or actor,he also dubbs,host and sings.Actually last year GMA Records decided to make an album named "Bubble G Anthology" that contains 10 gag songs of Michael V,also aired in his show Bubble Gang (every Friday night on GMA 7).

The album includes Join in My heart,Hindi ako Bakla,DJ Bumbay,Wag na wag,Chaka niya,Mamaw,Di na magigisa,Wag nyo kaming pansinin,Isaw nga and May BO na ako.The composers of his songs edit the lyrics and title of the song without changing it's tune and arrangement made by the original composers.Like "ik
aw nga" from the show and movie Mulawin instead of ikaw nga they changed it to "isaw nga" (isaw-grilled chickens stomach)haha and di na magigisa from the Darna's theme song di na mag-iisa (by Regine Velasquez)
(above:Michael V as Tom Yam the gay)

The songs were not just sang by Michael V,it also features Mr.Ogie Alcasid one of the respected Filipino composers and singers,co-star of Bitoy(Michael V's nickname) in Hole in the Wall(weekdays on GMA 7) and Bubble Gang. (above Ogie as Angelina and Michael V as her yaya)
And because of Michael V's success in the world of showbusiness, it was taken on the next level Reader's Digest(in Asia) picked him as their cover last September 2008 for impersonating many characters (including lolo,yaya,president gloria and lot more!)
(above Michael V on Readers Digest-Sept 2008 issue)

To watch Michael V's anthologies,go here!
other,Michael V's interview about being the Readers Digest cover,go here!

posted: 11:27PM


From Dreamwork's list of successful movies the latest movie released was "Monsters VS Aliens".The movie was about a girl [actually not already a girl] named Susan that was hit by a meteor on the day of her wedding.And eversince that day her life actually changed.The movie was directed by Rob Letterman and Conrad Vernon...

Before reading the actual post try to answer some of my questions:
-who is better Dreamworks or Pixar?
-did you already watched this movie?
-is monster better than aliens?
-do you believe that aliens do exist?

Enough on the questions people before watching the movie I predict some things and none of them went right!Poor me.

First prediction,I thought the girl I saw on the trailer was some kind of agent that was sent on another planet to study aliens,and I'm expecting war,explosions and collissions between monsters and aliens, but I was wrong it's more of loyalty,trust and friendship.Secondly I thought the monster in this movie (including Bob-the blue goo,Missing link-the merman,Cockroach-a former scientist and Insectosaurus-that later turned on a butterfly) was living in a planet full of monsters(like in Monster INC) but they were actually living on Earth and being examined and experimented by scientists (that I dunno why do they do that?) and last I thought that Susan(the girl with white hair) will fall into a portal that will lead her to my imaginary Monster planet(that I was mentioning before).

Lessons learned: wag tatanga pag araw na ng kasal baka tamaan ka ng meteorite tpos mging higante!

funniest part: the president playing piano and talking to
the one eyed alien.haha also the first part of the trailer where in the character was scanning his butt for the access haha!

to watch the trailer go here!
and director's interviews with the co-stars! go here!

that's all.
