i knew justin bieber last last year. It was June 2009 and I'm watching Tv when i suddenly spot the music video 'ONE TIME' on MTV and i said to my self:
"Who's that lesbian singer with a guy's voice?!"
he wasn't famous at that time,only few people knew him. i searched about him on the internet and found out he was discovered by usher (who is now his mentor)
his song one time actually became my peer group's theme song (XXP) and one of my friend Honeyvi liked him so much,and i always disagree that justin bieber is good looking.
i knew from the time i saw him on tv and on the internet,he's gonna be famous
and today Feb2011 his movie 'NEVER SAY NEVER' was released on 3d!
that is just awesome. justin bieber is a living proof that dreams can really come true. today JB inspires many people. and i hope he'll inspire more on the coming years. he's a humble guy.
when i saw him on Ellen last last week he said:
"i'm just a normal kid"
is he normal when every kid in the world knows his name?
I am not a BELIEBER,but a BELIEVER :D