Saturday, June 9, 2012

Snippets of my Summer 2012

School's coming and i just want to tell about what happened to me last summer 2012.

It started April and most of the time I'm just at home taking care of my baby sister, Baby Jilliane. Whenever my mom is not around I'm the one in charge of taking care of Baby Jill. 

Me and Baby Jill. Been taking care of her since the day she was born, she's actually a baby stepsister. But i stilll love her very much! ♥

Then we also had a vacation ( a proper one). We went to my late Grandfather's province which was Marinduque. I was with my mom, my brother Kim, my sister Yana and of course Baby Jill. We stayed there for 9 days and I sure did had a great time with my relatives, Licon Family.

My mom, my brother, my sister while we're on the ship. We just landed on the beautiful island of Marinduque at exactly May 7.

I also had the chance to catch up with my friends, mostly my 4th year friends. We hang out and got the chance to reminisce some funny memories we had during high school times and shared stories we had now that we're already college students. I love all of them.

Above were my friends Honey Vi, Danca and Regie. We call each other GALS. This picture was taken during Baby Jill's 1st bday which was held at our house.

From left, Arvhie, Marj, Me, Marty, Robie and Jade. We call each other YLOVER (that name came from our name's chosen letters). This was taken at a videoke room.

My cousin Tonton also stayed here for few days and we went swimming at Palm Valley resort.

From left that was my brother Kim then Kuya Jeric, Tonton, Yana and of course me! 

Those were just the snippets of my Summer 2012. I may not have the grandest or most expensive vacation but I sure did have a great time! I learned that having a spare time like "summer" is the perfect time for you to spend time with your family and catch up with your friends. These are proof that material things don't matter at these times. Spending your summer with the ones you love, I think, is one of the best things life can offer to you. You should do this while you still have the chance and the time. I thank Lord for every little happiness I've experienced this past summer. And for the rest of the year, enjoy it! Love to all ♥

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Grades I've earned

This was my class card (grades) I've earned last semester (AY 2011-2012 Second Semester). I don't want to brag about it or anything, I just can't believe I've earned such grades. Thank you to all my friends and of course to Almighty Lord who's always there to guide me in whatever I'm doing inside and outside the school. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

i'm just so happy today

jan2,2011 (monday)
i woke up in the morning and read a text message saying "Lea andito na kami,sumabay ka na lang kay Kim", and the moment I read the sms I knew it was my father. He just arrived from Saudi and our family doesn't know about it, and obviously..ME.

When I got in Baliwag, I'm with my brother Kim. After almost 2 years, I finally saw my father, he's still the same, and some of my relatives including my Tita Yolly, Tito Fred and Ate Karen (cousin), and also my special friend Nicole (she's 6 y/o now).

While we're eating lunch, my father came to me for like 2 times, I think. I could not look at him directly in his eyes, I don't know why, but I can sense he really missed me and he's worried about me. Awww :''')

I really wanna hug my father that time but I'm shy (Uhh what a shame!) I should've hugged my father and told him how important he is to me and how I love him. I don't have the courage.. :(

When my cousin Ate Karen, arrived from her work, we went to their house and we also accompanied her to her dentist for the adjustment of her braces. After that, we head straight to SM Baliwag to watch Segunda Mano, and I am telling you, that was a great movie, no wonder Dingdong Dantes got picked as Best Actor in MMFF 2011, we enjoyed the whole night! :)

Jan3,2011 (tuesday)
my father gave me $200 and P1,000 as budget for my camera. I want to hug him again and thanked him, and again, I don't have the courage to do that :( Gaaahhh,when will I have the courage to do such simple thing! Curse me :( :(

So,today I bought a camera which is GE X-500 worth 10K :)

But what made me really happy was the LOVE I received from my father :)


Thank you so so much! you mean the whole world to me :)


Someday, I will return everything you've sacrificed for me, in QUINTUPLE or more. :)

I love you so much, Papa..

Monday, December 26, 2011

my christmas 2011

i think the greatest gift i got this christmas was the "positive thoughts" inside my head, i think i gained those things from attending the church every week and having a serene talk with God everyday :)

before, i'm really having a hard time controlling my emotions especially when some things happen unexpectedly or if i had an argument with my mother or with my stepfather and his daughter. that sucks,honestly. but, when i learned that God is the best listener you'll ever meet, things will get better or lighter :) though sometimes, things really get out of control and i'll just get mad and over dramatic,i think. 

but right now,i'm really trying my best to be patient about everything. at least, i see things now at a better perspective. thank you Lord, for these positive thoughts. i really don't know how God's doing that, diverting my attention to other things that also make sense which is myself, the good people around me and many things, which i did not noticed before, because i'm too busy frowning..


okay, this christmas has been weird. i spent it at my stepfather's family in Tondo, Manila. i find it weird, plus Tita mateth was with us (she's my uncle's girlfriend from Dubai) 

i'm actually not used in receiving gifts during christmas, i actually don't know my ninongs and ninangs (godfathers and godmothers). this year, i did not receive any material gifts,but i'm still happy! :)

God's been good this year!!! and for the past years :)

last year...

christmas 2010

fernan went here (he's my friend from Pampanga) to spend his christmas vacation, i think he had a great time with us @ Circle of Fun. he's  a very good friend of mine, i know his family, they all been so great and so kind and generous to me, they helped me when i needed a place to stay. i owe him and his family. they're one of the blessings i got last year and i'm still blessed i got the chance to meet and knew them,him and his family. thank you!!! :). one day, i'll pay them for the good things they've done for me :)

This year has been so great, i'm really looking forward for many many things for the coming year,2012 and i'm hoping the world is not yet ending! hahaha :)

i just wanna thank the Almighty God for everything, my family and all my friends from all corners of the world and this country. you always make my christmas special!!!

i cannot really call this christmas happy, i'm still finding that true happiness :) uhm, maybe soon :) 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Going back!

It's been months since I last posted something here on my bloggger/blospot or whatsoever blog! Thanks to Chenee, I am now updating it :)

Before, i was really into blogging thing here on blogger but then some of friends suggested tumblr because they said it's more "updated" or "cool", things like that, so I got into tumblr. But, when I found tumblr's "re-blogging" thingy, i didn't found it i got back here but when I found tons of Miley Cyrus updates there i got tumblr again.......blogger...tumblr...blogger...tumblr i got confused and the rest is history!

right now, Chenee (a long distant friend of mine from Cebu) told me about her personal blog which is follow her! K! :) i decided to call this blog, my personal blog hehehe! thank you chenee,this post is for you!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The new beginning: College

Our org shirt,I wish I had clearer copy
Nesan,one of my classmate is testing my camera (resolution stuff something)
Sir Mhar, Dingdong Dantes of IT Department. He is funny!
Corridor, I'm the only here at this time
Rolyn,Angela,Christina and Joanna (my first year classmates)
Nica,my closest friend as of now
The twigs and leaves who have been my company for 5 hrs
The morning sun,not the sunrise
The park-ish sports place,this is where they play Badminton or Sepak
The unfinished stage, and today it has been demolished. good thing i've captured this

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

iWant Penny Tees (fo'realz)

i'm an avid viewer of iCarly and eversince i want penny tees,those were shirts they're wearing on the set which contains random things. they're not selling them,but i guess i'll make my own :)

the FF are some of the penny tees saying they've used on the show:

"My Cheese
My Rules"

"Spaghetti Tacos"

"Peanut Butter Love"

"Parole Baby"

"Maybe Gravy"

"Pudding Patrol"


"Mister Sandwich"

"Grovy Smoothie"

"The Mushroom

"Butter Me Queasy"

"Fries Matter"

"Blueberry Socks"


"Cookie Mischief"

"Cheescake Griddle"


"Squirrel Germs"


"Slow Motion

"Seddie = <3"


"Lemon Tube"


"Electric Ham"


"Ointment 500"



"Bubble Worship"


"Lava Happens"

"Did you know
hobos can't
afford cable?"







"I Want


"Quirky Chowder"

I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!! sounds so random :)


Monday, June 27, 2011

Miley Cyrus quotes (copied)

Credits to:

My mom is always telling me it takes a long time to get to the top, but a short time to get to the bottom.
Miley Cyrus
Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude!
Miley Cyrus
As soon as I step on that stage, nothing matters. I don't think of it as work. It's just so much fun.
Miley Cyrus
I am fully committed to Hannah Montana. It's what gave me this amazing opportunity to reach out to so many people. I'm really excited about our new season. We are making great new episodes that I can't wait for our fans to see and I'm looking forward to the "Hannah Montana" movie that will be out in the spring.
Miley Cyrus
I am not very good at keeping secrets at all! If you want your secret kept do not tell me!
Miley Cyrus
I am so excited to let fans in on how important my relationship with my family is to me. I hope to motivate mothers and daughters to build lifetimes of memories together and inspire kids around the world to live their dreams.
Miley Cyrus
I come from this really small town near Nashville, Tennessee, where everything was la-di-da and normal.
Miley Cyrus
I don't want to be perfect, but I do want to be a role model. My mom always tells me that imperfections equal beauty. All of us are imperfect.
Miley Cyrus
I get more anxious than nervous before a concert.
Miley Cyrus
I have four shelves covered with journals that I've written. Dad and I are writing songs together. I've probably written 100 songs.
Miley Cyrus
I love to sleep. I'd sleep all day if I could.
Miley Cyrus
I need more friends. It's kind of like my quest right now just to have more true friends.
Miley Cyrus
I probably have an earlier curfew than anyone. My mom wants to keep me really safe and my dad's not overly protective, but he's a dad no matter what.
Miley Cyrus
I think Hannah gets nervous just like any other person would. She's like a dork, personally. She's just really, really fun.
Miley Cyrus
I think my dad is a lot cooler than other dads. He still acts like he's still 17.
Miley Cyrus
I told my mom, "I'm not buying another magazine until I can get past this thought of looking like the girl on the cover'. She said, "Miley, you are the girl on the cover," and I was, like, "I know, but I don't feel like that girl every day." You can't always feel perfect.
Miley Cyrus
I've got high standards when it comes to boys. As my dad says, all girls should! I'm from the South - Tennessee, to be exact - and down there, we're all about southern hospitality. I know that if I like a guy, he better be nice, and above all, my dad has to approve of him!
Miley Cyrus

If I could get any animal it would be a dolphin. I want one so bad. Me and my mom went swimming with dolphins and I was like, "How do we get one of those?" and she was like, "You can't get a dolphin. What are you gonna do, like, put it in your pool?"
Miley Cyrus

If you believe in yourself anything is possible.
Miley Cyrus
It was hard to leave my school. I've been going to the same school since kindergarden.
Miley Cyrus
Life is all about having a good time.
Miley Cyrus
Music is what I breath, what I love to do. It keeps me alive.
Miley Cyrus
My dad says I could sing before I could talk, if that's possible. I was always humming and things like that.
Miley Cyrus
My favourite sport is cheerleading!
Miley Cyrus
The best part of my carreer is getting to meet so many different people, because I learn so much from everyone.
Miley Cyrus
The only people that you really have, that I learned, are your family, because they love you no matter what.
Miley Cyrus
There are so many people that have come up to me during our shows and tell me: "The hour that we are watching your show is the hour that my kids are happiest and are smiling, they are laughing," and that is what I long to do.
Miley Cyrus
There's nothing more fun than being out on stage and getting the vibe from the crowd. There's nothing like being on a set where you are there to make other people happy and to make them laugh. That's the best job in the world.
Miley Cyrus
When preparing for a concert, I do lots of training. I work with a choreographer to create great moves and then I have to keep my voice strong with lessons.
Miley Cyrus
I always say you can't live a positive life with a negative mind and if you have a positive outcome you have a positive income and just to have more positivity and just to kind of laugh it off.
Miley Cyrus

You don't have to go out and party every night. You can act because it's your dream.
Miley Cyrus
With yourself, I think you have to decide the kind of person that you really want to be, and for me, it's just a sweet girl.
Miley Cyrus
I'm pretty outspoken.
Miley Cyrus
I cut the ribbon in Paris, and everyone in Paris speaks French — maybe you knew that. But I'm from Tennessee, and Tennessee girls don't speak French. So suddenly I'm stuck onstage with Minnie and Mickey and everyone is yelling at me in French — I guess they're telling me to get off the stage, but I didn't know what they were saying at the time, so I start dancing with Minnie and Mickey like on the show and finally my aunt comes and gets me off.
Miley Cyrus
Whatever person kids relate to the most, I want them to call me that. So if Hannah's more who they find their inspiration in, call me Hannah. If they're more an average girl who wants to blend in with everybody else, then call me Miley.
Miley Cyrus
I thought a lot of girls wanna have their secret identity and have something they don't want to tell people about.
Miley Cyrus
As soon as I read the script, I knew it kinda related to me. I wanted to disguise myself as not some celebrity's daughter, just be me and find people that like me for me.
Miley Cyrus
I auditioned forever. At first they said I was too small and too young.
Miley Cyrus

First week of classes (AY 2011-2012)

so classes already started last week, first week is full of awkwardness but because I'm feeling close I got the chance to know people (new friends yeah)

First class last wednesday was PE, and PE classes dont have classrooms,so I really dont know where the hell I should head. This is what I did,I ask a group of girls namely Kristele (OOH I forgot the rest I'm sorry guys ) then they directed me to the SOCIAL HALL, i went to the social hall but it's not my classes :( *FAIL. I roam around, sit again beside them (the group of girls I asked a while ago) and chat with them as well (YEAH I'M SO MAKAPAL) I did that so I won't look stupid.

It's 1PM and really begging them "San ako pupunta?! Ang hirap talaga kapag transferee ka" one of them answered "Ganon talaga,masanay ka na"...they don't know that I'm used to being new (for the record BSU is my 9th school) WHUT WHUT?! YEAH it's my 9th school, I'm a Certified NPA Hahaha!

Next scene is I asked a guy where I should find the class BSIT 2A1, he insisted "Hindi ako 2A"... I replied "Eh nasan yung 2A?"... he said while in hurry "Hindi nga ako 2A,ayon sa taas (While ponting some people on the 3RD floor) yung mga 2A", I thanked him "Salamat ha.." but then he's gone. thank you nagmamadaling guy!


you know that feeling? that atlast you found them. PHEW! I asked them and I make sure that I'm into the right group "Pwedeng magtanong,anong section nyo?",then they all answered "BSIT2A1 po bakit?"..."Classmate niyo kasi ako"..."EHEM guys...,guys classmate daw natin sya" Then they all introduced themselves to me. I'll try to enumerate them all,though I'm still memorizing all their names. I'll try my best to remember those who introduced their names:


UHHH I'm so mean,I forgot the name of the girl who was with me all the time :(
I'm really sorry,I will try to memorize everyone as soon as I know you,OKIE?

They told me we don't have classes that day because there will be an Assembly for all the IT and CompTech students,for the induction of the new set of officers. The new name of IT Org was ELITS which stands for:

L-eague of

It's funny when someone raised their hand,voted then whisper "Sige iboboto kita,sino ka ba?!" but he got a point, we are voting for someone whom we don't know HAHAHA :)

After the assembly, they asked me If I can join them walking from our school up to the San Jose Church (it's a bit far,but I enjoyed the whole time I'm with this people,because they're so kind to me )

I ride the jeep with a smile on my face,I swear,first week is a lil bit awkward but with this people, the feeling of AWKWARDNESS was lessen. Thank you so much guys for keeping me company,I may not know all of your names, but I owe you my first week here @ Bulacan State University. THANK YOU!!!!


Saturday, June 25, 2011

My wishlist for my birthday

I'm turning 18 this coming September 27 (yes I am!) and I'm thinking maybe I could make a wishlists if ever somebody asks me what I want for my birthday I'll give them this post, i never ask for anything before, i actually don't like reminding people that it's my birthday i don't want attention to it,because...there's nothing about my bday,it's just a day when i turned 1 year older. so what i do, day before my bday i changed it on facebook (i think it's pretty stupid people who are not that close to you will greet you on your birthday, i want my friends to greet me because they remembered it and they love me,..not because of a notification ) plus i also dont want them to end up posting "happy birthday lea" (& it's the only post they wrote on my wall---it's pretty awkward for me)

So...about the wishlist,i think it's special when a girl turns 18, i don't want parties (huge parties) because i can't afford those things... i'll just ask for some thin
gs, i rarely ask for things (i dont ask for gifts during special days,christmas,bdays),so if you're out there reading this,do you mind giving me this frustrations,yes they are my frustrations,plus i have reasons why i want them... for now this is the only things i want, can i post part 2 of this wishlist? haha!


i want it because i really want to make a Vlog on youtube (
supermac and jennxpenn inspired me) pls dont laugh about this. i want HD camera, so when i post it on youtube it's frigging HD! plus i'm excited to use the remote haha,so whenever i'm vlogging alone i'll be able to control it hahaha! i want to ente
rtain some people who are bored online,i want to inspire them and share what's really happening to me and the world and ETC ETC...


i want it because i'll use to install so many software (including Ulead, photoshop, Virtual DJ and a whole lot of softwares which will be useful for my vlog) see i really want it. i'm just using a netbook and it's hdd sucks (4GB?!! WTH)


i want to explore around here @ our subdivision, i'm too lazy to walk and my feet hurts when i walk too much (i swear! hihi), i also want to put a basket on the front so i can vlog my biking (LEA THE EXPLORER? lol hahaha) i want the fun in riding bikes and travelling, even though it's not that far

i wanna know how to play it because i feel inggit whenever i'm seeing my friends play that (AHHHHH) the feeling,i'm not a good singer but maybe i can try playing this and compose some songs (WHAT?) haha just trying ok?

that's it for now, maybe i can post part 2 of my wishlist hahaha! thank u so much to those who will grant my wish :)